Abstract Essence

Styl: Experimental Meta
Country: Czech
Website: www.abstractessence.com
Mysapce: www.myspace.com/abstractessence
Bandzone: www.bandzone.cz/abstractessence
Country: Czech
Website: www.abstractessence.com
Mysapce: www.myspace.com/abstractessence
Bandzone: www.bandzone.cz/abstractessence

The idea for a band that would play hard but inovative music was born in the heads of keyboard player Honza Pavlůsek and guitarist Libor Kukula. After a complete lineup is formed, so in 2004 the band Abstract Essence is born. In September 2004 the band released its first demo "Lost Life", which received very positive reviews in both Czech and foreign music media. Three years later, AE recorded their debut album "Aftermath", which is regarded by many Czech reviewers as the best debut of 2007. It is hard to categorize this band in terms of music styles. The band itself calls its presentation as "multi-metal", that is, a synthesis of various metal elements. The current band lineup consists of five members after one of the guitarists left the band towards the end of 2009. In December 2009 the band released with MetalGate support its second studio album "Manifest". Shortly after, the band also made its very first video clip of the song "I" from the "Manifest" album, which you can view for example at the Bandzone profile of AE.