Rotting christ

Styl: Black Metal / Metal
Country: Greece
Country: Greece

The Greek black metal band Rotting Christ is active on the global metal scene for more than 20 years and is thus one of the longest playing acts within this dark sub-genre of metal music. The band origins lie in 1987, when Rotting Christ was formed as grindcore group. In 1988, the first demos were spawned, firstly “Decline’s Return” and later an unofficial one “Leprosy of Death”. A year later, the band participated on a split recording “The Other Side of Life” along with the band Sound Pollution. In the same year, another demo “Satanas Tedeum” came out, on which the band left its original grind orientation and headed towards black metal. 1991 was indeed fruitful when it comes to records. After a split with Monumentum band, Rotting Christ created a single “Dawn of the Iconoclast” and subsequently an EP “Passage to Arcturo”. A year later, another demo “Ade’s Wind” was released. Another year later, two releases came to be, a single “Apokathelosis” and the debut album “Thy Mighty Contract”. Also in 1993, Rotting Christ underwent one of its first major appearances as part of the Fuck Christ Tour with Immortal and Blasphemy. In the following years, nine more studio albums were released: “Non Serviam” (1994), “Triarchy of the Lost Lovers” (1996), “A Dead Poem” (1997), “Sleep of the Angels” (1997), “Khronos” (2000), “Genesis” (2002), “Sanctus Diavolos” (2004), “Theogonia” (2007) and finally, the current “Aealo” (2010). Apart from that, the band also released several EPs, e.g. “Der Perfekte Traum” (1999), as well as several best of compilations, e.g. “Semigods of the Serpent Cult” (2009). In 2009, for the 20th anniversary of band’s existence, a DVD “Non Serviam – A 20 Year Apocryphal Story” came out. Music-wise, Rotting Christ do not focus on pure black metal. On the contrary, their albums are embellished with additional elements from doom and gothic metal, industrial or choir vocals. In course of its existence, the band played live all over the globe, be it on tours or on festivals, alongside a whole range of other famous names of the global metal.